Areas of interest
Curriculum Vitae
- Creation and validation of integrative mathematical, biophysical and machine learning models to describe complex interactions within/among brain networks (structural, functional, vascular and metabolic macroscopic connectomes) and cognition.
- Multifactorial characterization and prediction of abnormal brain states (e.g. neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive/behavioral disorders).
- Computational assisted design and evaluation of therapeutic interventions for multiple brain disorders. Development of computational tools for analyses associated to (1), (2) and (3).
- Fiber tractography using diffusion MRI techniques and effective connectivity analysis using functional data (Granger causality, Bayesian Networks, Transfer entropy). Graph theoretical analysis of the brain´s multi-factorial connectional properties, in health and disease.
- Neuroimaging (MRI, fMRI, PET and DTI-MRI) physics and image processing.
Curriculum Vitae